I recently had the pleasure of doing newborn baby pictures of the beautiful little Mya. I met the family in their home, where baby is most comfortable, and got some family portraits and lifestyle pictures of the parents hanging out with Mya. Its always an honor to document this special time in a family’s life, and I also love to capture the interactions between mom and dad and baby, as well as the fun details of the baby’s decorated room. Mya was right about five weeks when I took these pictures.

Baby Mya in her crib

Sleeping Beauty

Baby Pictures by Nicole Nichols Photography
At this age they don’t like to be set down, so there’s always lots of crying, yet they are still so cute even when they cry.

Even Crying Babies are Beautiful

Family Portrait
Nothing is quite as cute as tiny baby toes!

Precious baby feet

Daddy and His Little Girl

Baby Mya in her butterfly room

Baby Wants Momma

Momma & baby Mya