R.I.P. Brianna Canacari: 10/03/97 – 06/19/10

Youth is a precious thing…often taken for granted. We teach our kids math, science, and spelling, but why not teach them about life, morals, respect, self-confidence?? Is it more important that a kid knows how to do a math equation or that they know how to love themselves and each other? How many suicides does it take for us to get our priorities straight? Talk to your children about suicide and if you can help the family that loved her so much and help raise awareness of teen suicide by donating to the Brianna Cancari Memorial Fund.
There are four ways to donate:
Visit any 1st Bank location and request a donation to be made to the Brianna Canacari Memorial Fund.
Mail a check to 1603 Sand Wedge Way, Castle Rock, CO 80104, make payable to Brianna Canacari Memorial Fund.
Click here to donate through PayPal.